================================================================= The Carlisle Network Utilities Release 1.1 ================================================================= The Carlisle Network Utilities is a set of enhancement programs for Banyan VINES networks. The programs are the result of Carlisle's many years of LAN design, installation and management experience. They address communications, diagnostics, batch file performance, memory management, and network utilization. ================================================================= @ECHO Batch file ECHO command for DOS 3.2 and earlier. Permits batch file compatibility in networks running different versions of DOS. CALL Batch file CALL command for DOS version 3.2 and earlier. Permits one batch file to perform another as a subroutine. Ensures sufficient Environment space for more complicated CALLed batch files. CAPSLOCK Force the CapsLock keyboard state to ON. Support and simplify older, previously standalone applications that only accept uppercase input. GETATCLK Update the system clock from the CMOS (battery) clock. Reset local time after LOGOUT, especially when the server is in a different time-zone (DOS 3.2 and earlier). HOME Change to drive and directory specified in the DOS Environment. Type HOME to return to the directory specified in the HOME user profile entry. QENVIRON Display DOS Environment values and space utilization. Show number of bytes allocated and the percent used - determine if the SHELL command parameters in CONFIG.SYS are adequate. QFS Display File Service filenames, extended attributes (Share, Exec-only) and Access Rights Lists (ARLs) - a VINES-specific replacement for the DOS DIR and TREE commands. Total space used and place in a DOS Environment variable for use as part of a simple disk space quota system. QMAIL Check if Mail is waiting during LOGIN. Set ErrorLevel and Environment variable, permitting MAIL to be run automatically. QNAME Test for valid StreetTalk username or nickname, expand and display full StreetTalk name, set DOS ErrorLevel if not found. QNET Display a concise list of VINES File and Print Service assignments (similar to IBM's NET USE command). QSERIAL Display the serial number of a File Service's server, place it in the DOS Environment. QSPACE Display space statistics for a drive mapped to specified File Service - bytes available, in-use and free, with percentage values for each. QST Display StreetTalk database entries. Use wildcard names, select only USERS, LISTS, NICKNAMES, SERVICES, etc. Expand nicknames to full StreetTalk names. QTIME Set various date and time formats into the DOS Environment - U.S., international, text, 1-2-3, dBASE. Use as part of a simple usage reporting systems. QUSER Display logged-in username and place in DOS Environment. Determine if a user has successfully logged-in. Store username (or separate item, group and organization) in DOS Environment for use in PROMPTs or simple usage accounting systems. QVECTOR Review PC software interrupts for conflicts. Determine if VINES conflicts with other applications using interrupts 60H-66H. QVER Determine DOS and VINES versions - store these values in the DOS Environment. QVINES Determine if the resident VINES software is loaded, set DOS ErrorLevel accordingly, place the VINES interrupt number in the DOS Environment. REBOOT Programmed soft system reboot. Simplify program-controlled system reconfiguration. RELASYNC Release the memory acquired by RASYNCH (the VINES Asynchronous Communications Manager). This facility is not available in VINES! Easily load and unload third-party communications programs such as SOFTERM, and the newer packages supporting the INT14/6B interface. RELNETB Release the memory acquired by PCNETB (the VINES NETBIOS Emulator). This facility is not available in VINES! Easily load and unload NETBIOS-based applications. SETATCLK Update the CMOS (battery) clock from the system clock. Propagate the network time to the system clock, then to the battery clock for all around synchronization (DOS 3.2 and earlier). UNSHIFT Clear all keyboard shift states to OFF. Use UNSHIFT during AUTOEXEC to put the arrow keys back where they belong, on the numeric keypad. Clear CapsLock in batch files running older applications that require uppercase input. VCD Enhanced replacement for DOS CHDIR command. Change drive and directory simultaneously. Store the current directory in the DOS Environment. Change to a drive and directory previously stored. Suppress displayed messages. Report outcome via DOS ErrorLevel. VCOLOR Full-screen VINES menu color selection. Simplify selection of menu color schemes, use function keys to try-out the most informative (or most lurid!) color combinations. Update current VINES SETCOLOR values. Throw away the IBM Technical Reference Manual. VDUP (VINES DUPlicating filter) - a DOS file copy filter. Use it with other filters (e.g. VSTF) to filter (pipe) a file back over itself - overcoming a limitation of standard DOS. VMD Enhanced replacement for DOS MKDIR command. Create a directory from a name stored in the DOS Environment. Change to the drive and directory just created. Create a uniquely-named subdirectory, change to its drive and directory, store its name in the DOS Environment. Suppress displayed messages. Report outcome via DOS ErrorLevel. VMSG Display a VINES-style message on display line 25. Enhance batch files to display line 25 status messages. Specify text centering, blinking, or wait-for-acknowledgement. VRD Enhanced replacement for DOS RMDIR command. Remove a directory named in the DOS Environment. Suppress displayed messages. Report outcome via DOS ErrorLevel. VSTF (VINES Standard Text Filter) - a DOS filter that converts any file into a predictable ASCII format. Especially useful for cleaning-up VINES reports and log files for processing by applications programs. ================================================================= The Carlisle Network Utilities comes complete with one set of documentation in a three-ring VINES-style binder. Besides providing syntax, usage and examples of each command, the manual explains how to optimize applications for network running, and shares some approaches to configuring network hardware. Additional documentation sets may also be purchased. The Carlisle Network Utilities is licensed per VINES server, with no restriction on concurrent usage by workstations directly connected to the licensed server. Contact Carlisle for VAR, volume, and international pricing. ================================================================= --- Carlisle Gateway Systems, Inc. --- P.O. Box 249 Carlisle, Massachusetts 01741 USA Tel: 508-369-9667 Fax: 508-371-7381 =================================================================